Male Infertility

Male Infertility

When it comes to male infertility, understanding sperm motility, count, and morphology are key to identifying the cause and available treatments. Let’s look at each of these aspects in greater detail to better understand male infertility.

Sperm Motility:

The percentage of sperm with normal forward progression is an important measure of fertility in men. The motility of sperm cells can be decreased due to a variety of causes including nutritional deficiencies, overheating from tight clothing or hot baths, medical conditions such as diabetes, stress or even age-related decline. Additionally, the presence of abnormal chromosomes in sperm may also impair their ability to swim correctly.

Sperm Count:

Sperm count is a measure of the total number of sperm present in ejaculate fluid. A low count (or oligospermia) is usually seen in men with infertility problems. Causes can range from poor nutrition and lifestyle choices to illnesses like testicular infection or cancer and hormone imbalance or varicoceles (enlarged veins).

Sperm Morphology:

This term refers to the size and shape of a man’s sperm cells when viewed under a microscope. Poorly shaped sperm have difficulty moving through cervical mucus and entering the egg for fertilization. Some possible causes of poor morphology include exposure to certain environmental toxins or chemicals, smoking or drinking alcohol, obesity, some types of infections like STDs, mumps during puberty or use of certain medications.


Depending on the cause(s) behind your particular case of male infertility, there are various treatment options available including surgery, medication such as antibiotics and fertility drugs (like clomiphene), supplements such as Vitamin C or D-Aspartic acid, lifestyle changes like healthier diet and exercise regimens, relaxation techniques for stress relief etc. Additionally, some cases may require assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).

By being informed about issues relating to male infertility – including sperm motility and count as well as morphology – you can identify potential underlying causes so that you can work with your doctor to find an appropriate course of action that best fits your needs and leads you closer towards your ultimate goal – having a child!