Poor Ovarian Reserve

Understanding Poor Ovarian Reserve and Its Effect on Fertility


Understanding Poor Ovarian Reserve and Its Effect on Fertility

When it comes to fertility, ovarian reserve is an important factor to consider. Women with poor ovarian reserve often have low levels of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), making them more prone to infertility issues. Low ovarian reserve can also cause other problems like aneuploidy, which is a chromosomal abnormality, or Duostim, a type of fertility treatment that utilizes two doses of gonadotropin medications.

The causes of poor ovarian reserve can vary greatly, but the most common one is aging. As women get older, their ovaries tend to produce fewer eggs and this results in reduced AMH levels. Other potential causes include smoking, prior medical conditions such as chemotherapy or pelvic surgeries, genetic abnormalities, environmental toxins, stress, or chronic diseases such as diabetes.

One way to assess ovarian reserve is by testing your AMH levels. The higher your AMH level is, the better chances you have at becoming pregnant without requiring additional treatments. Unfortunately for women with poor ovarian reserves, the options available are limited. In vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended as the best chance at conception. This procedure involves retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovary and then combining them with sperm outside the body in a lab setting before transferring them into the uterus via a catheter. However, success rates may vary depending on the quality of eggs produced by her ovaries.

For those women who want to conceive naturally but are unable to due to their poor ovarian reserve, there are some alternative therapies they can consider trying in order to boost fertility and increase their chances of pregnancy. For instance: acupuncture may improve egg quality and regular yoga and meditation can reduce stress which can positively affect hormone balance; taking vitamins and supplements that support healthy egg development; eating foods rich in antioxidants; using traditional Chinese medicine herbs for improving reproductive health; and changing lifestyle habits such as avoiding smoking and reducing caffeine intake.

No matter what method you decide to try for boosting fertility if you’re struggling with poor ovarian reserve , it’s important to seek guidance from an experienced physician before starting any treatment or protocol so they can help guide you towards achieving a successful outcome.